Monday, October 04, 2010


1. How do you motivate the youth to engage in prayer and do ministry?

·     I motivate by leading them to see and understand the big picture. I do this by answering the questions: Why pray? And why serve? Then they will gain a sense of purpose the moment they understand why they do the things they ought to do. 

2. What types of problems does a campus minister encounter?

·     I don't see problems. Instead, I see opportunities for growth. And they are many. 

3. What skills does a campus minister need?

·     He needs to be disciplined in the following areas: finances, time, and utilizing resources. Also, he must incessantly learn dealing with people. Above all, he must be devoted to prayer and the study of God's word.

4.  What types of personalities do you deal with?

·     I am dealing with dominantly choleric or sanguine or phlegmatic or melancholic. 

5. How do you coordinate with your youth ministry coordinator?

·     I coordinate with her by communicating well. I must continually learn the art of communication.  

6. What drives you to help the youth with their lives?

·     I am driven by life-changed, a Christ-transformed life.

7. What are your goals?

·     My long-term goal is to see new breed of Christ-transformed leaders. My short-term goal, on other hand, is to build them up by encouragement and constant reminders. This is how I build leaders: I lead by demonstrating love, compassion, grace, patience, and mercy.

8. How do you coordinate with parents of the youth?

·     I befriend them. This is how I win their hearts and trust. 

9. How do you manage your time?

·     I manage my time by managing my activities. I manage my activities by attending them according to priority and the urgency. 


*This interview was conducted by Shammah Faye Dimaclid Bayate together with her classmates last Sunday, 3 October 2010.

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